Aegothelidae - Owlet-nightjars |
The Aegothelidae family is made up of the owlet-nightjars. There are 10 species in this family.
They are found in New Guinea and Australia. Like their name suggests, they look like a cross between owls and nightjars.
Unlike some of the other members of the Caprimulgiformes order, they have tiny bills. Their bills are surrounded by bristles. While their bill is small, they can open it really wide! They have soft plumage that is a mixture of blacks, browns, grays, and white. Their plumage looks like the bark of a tree and helps camouflage them during the day. Owlet-nightjars have large round eyes and small feet.
Owlet-nightjars are nocturnal and eat insects. Owlet-nightjars usually hunt in the air, but sometimes they will hunt on the ground.
World Status Key
Least Concern Near Threatened Vulnerable Endangered Critically Endangered Extinct in Wild Extinct Not Enough Data
Status and range is taken from ICUN Redlist.
World Status Key
Least Concern Near Threatened Vulnerable Endangered Critically Endangered Extinct in Wild Extinct Not Enough Data
Status and range is taken from ICUN Redlist.
U.S. Status Key
Threatened in US Endangered in US Introduced
Status taken from US Fish and Wildlife. Click on U.S. status icon to go to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife species profile.
New Hampshire Status Key
Threatened in NH Endangered in NH Breeds in NH (birds)
Status taken from NH Fish and Game
Location Key
Africa Asia Australia/Oceania Europe North America South America NH
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New Hampshire Species
North/Central American Species
Other Species Around the World
Allied Owlet-nightjar - Aegotheles affinis 
Archbold's Owlet-nightjar - Aegotheles archboldi 
Australian Owlet-nightjar - Aegotheles cristatus 
Barred Owlet-nightjar - Aegotheles bennettii 
Feline Owlet-nightjar - Aegotheles insignis 
Moluccan Owlet-nightjar - Aegotheles crinifrons 
Mountain Owlet-nightjar - Aegotheles albertisi 
New Caledonian Owlet-nightjar -Aegotheles savesi 
Starry Owlet-nightjar - Aegotheles tatei 
Wallace's Owlet-nightjar - Aegotheles wallacii 
Additional Information
Allied Owlet-nightjar - Aegotheles affinis 
The allied owlet-nightjar is found in Indonesia and Papua New Guinea.
Source: eBird Cornell Lab of Ornithology Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Archbold's Owlet-nightjar - Aegotheles archboldi 
The Archbold's owlet-nightjar is found in West Papua, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea.
Source: eBird Cornell Lab of Ornithology Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Australian Owlet-nightjar - Aegotheles cristatus 
The Australian owlet-nightjar is the smallest of the nocturnal birds found in Australia.
Source: Birds in Backyards Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Australian Owlet-nightjar - Aegotheles cristatus 
You'll only see the Australian owlet-nightjar in the day if it is peering out of a roosting hollow.
Source: eBird Cornell Lab of Ornithology Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Australian Owlet-nightjar - Aegotheles cristatus 
The Australian owlet-nightjar's eyes do not reflect light at night like the eyes of some other nocturnal birds.
Source: Perth Zoo Intended Audience: Students Reading Level: Elementary School
Australian Owlet-nightjar - Aegotheles cristatus 
The Australian owlet-nightjar can range in color from gray to a rusty reddish-brown.
Source: Graeme Chapman Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Barred Owlet-nightjar - Aegotheles bennettii
The barred owlet-nightjar is found in Indonesia and Papua New Guinea.
Source: eBird Cornell Lab of Ornithology Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Feline Owlet-nightjar - Aegotheles insignis 
The feline owlet-nightjar is found in Indonesia and Papua New Guinea.
Source: eBird Cornell Lab of Ornithology Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Moluccan Owlet-nightjar - Aegotheles crinifrons 
The Moluccan owlet-nightjar is also known as the long-whiskered Owlet-nightjar.
Source: eBird Cornell Lab of Ornithology Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Mountain Owlet-nightjar - Aegotheles albertisi 
The mountain owlet-nightjar is found in Indonesia and Papua New Guinea.
Source: eBird Cornell Lab of Ornithology Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
New Caledonian Owlet-nightjar - Aegotheles savesi 
Most of what is known about this species comes from two specimens and one sighting in 1990.
Source: EDGE Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Starry Owlet-nightjar - Aegotheles tatei 
The starry owlet-nightjar is found in Papua New Guinea.
Source: eBird Cornell Lab of Ornithology Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Wallace's Owlet-nightjar - Aegotheles wallacii 
Wallace's owlet-nightjar is found in Indonesia and Papua New Guinea.
Source: eBird Cornell Lab of Ornithology Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School |