There are around 190 species of owl in this family. They are found in all parts of the world, except Antarctica. They are found in a variety of habitats. Owls in this family have sharp, hooked bills; large, forward-facing eyes; big heads; round faces; flexible necks; long bodies; sharp talons; and soft, thick feathers.
Many species have feathered legs and feet. Most species are nocturnal, their soft feathers help them fly silently after their prey. Owls eat small mammals, reptiles, amphibians, birds, eggs, and fish.
Most species
cryptic coloration that helps camouflage them from their prey.
Males and females look alike, but males are usually larger. Owls have distinctive vocalizations that range from soft hoots to screeching calls.
Strigidae Photo Gallery
World Status Key
Least Concern Near Threatened Vulnerable Endangered Critically Endangered Extinct in Wild Extinct
Status taken from ICUN Redlist. If no status is listed, there is not enough data to establish status, or there is no status data for the species.
US Status Key
Threatened in US Threatened in NH Endangered in US Endangered in NH Breeds in NH Introduced
Status taken from US Fish and Wildlife and NH Fish and Game
New Hampshire Species |
North/Central American Species |
Barred Owl - Strix varia 
Boreal Owl - Aegolius funereus 
Eastern Screech-owl - Megascops asio 
Great Grey Owl - Strix nebulosa 
Great Horned Owl - Bubo virginianus 
Long-eared Owl - Asio otus 
Northern Hawk Owl - Surnia ulula 
Northern Saw-whet Owl - Aegolius acadicus 
Short-eared Owl - Asio flammeus 
Snowy Owl - Bubo scandiaca  |
Tamaulipas Pygmy-owl - Glaucidium sanchezi 
Cuban Pygmy-owl - Glaucidium siju 
Bare-legged Owl - Gymnoglaux lawrencii 
Crested Owl - Lophostrix cristata 
Bearded Screech-owl - Megascops barbarus 
Tropical Screech-owl - Megascops choliba 
Bare-shanked Screech-owl - Megascops clarkii 
Pacific Screech-owl - Megascops cooperi 
Vermiculated Screech-owl - Megascops guatemalae 
Western Screech-owl - Megascops kennicottii 
Puerto Rican Screech-owl - Megascops nudipes 
Balsas Screech-owl - Megascops seductus 
Whiskered Screech-owl - Megascops trichopsis 
Elf Owl - Micrathene whitneyi 
Flammulated Owl - Otus flammeolus 
Striped Owl - Pseudoscops clamator 
Jamaican Owl - Pseudoscops grammicus 
Spectacled Owl - Pulsatrix perspicillata 
Fulvous Owl - Strix fulvescens 
Black-and-white Owl - Strix nigrolineata 
Spotted Owl - Strix occidentalis 
Mottled Owl - Strix virgata  |
North/Central American Species |
Southern Saw-whet Owl - Aegolius ridgwayi 
Stygian Owl - Asio stygius 
Burrowing Owl - Athene cunicularia 
Ferruginous Pygmy-owl - Glaucidium brasilianum 
Costa Rican Pygmy-owl - Glaucidium costaricanum 
Northern Pygmy-owl - Glaucidium gnoma 
Central American Pygmy-owl - Glaucidium griseiceps 
Least Pygmy-owl - Glaucidium minutissimum 
Colima Pygmy-owl - Glaucidium palmarum  |