Picidae - Woodpeckers, Flickers, Sapsuckers, Wrynecks, Piculets |
There are around 218 species in this family of birds. They are found in all parts of the world, except for Australia,
Madagascar, and the polar regions.Most species are found in forests or woodlands, although some species, like The gila woodpecker, are found in deserts.
They range in size from 3-23 inches in length. Many species in this family have some combination of red, white, and black feathers. They have strong, straight bills; long, sticky tongues; long, stiff tail feathers; and zygodactyl feet. That means they have two toes facing frontwards and two toes facing backwards. This helps them climb tree trunks. Their stiff tails help them keep their balance as they cling to the sides of trees!
The birds in this family nest in tree cavities. Most species dig out their own cavity, although wrynecks use the abandoned cavities of other birds or a tree crotch or natural crevice. Males and females work together to build the nest. In some species, the male does most of the excavation and the female arranges the inside of the nest. Females lay 2-5 eggs and both the male and female incubate the eggs and feed and care for the chicks. Most species eat ants, beetles, spiders, moths, grasshoppers, crickets, and insect larvae. Some species may also eat
nuts, berries, seeds, and sap.
The imperial woodpecker is thought to be extinct. The imperial woodpecker was once found in the
Sierra Madre Occidental mountains
in northwestern Mexico. The last confirmed sighting of the imperial woodpecker was in the 1950s. The imperial woodpecker was the largest woodpecker species. It was 23 inches in length. The imperial woodpecker was black and white and had a long, pointed yellowish-orange bill. The male had a large red crest and the female had a black crest.
The ivory-billed woodpecker was listed as an extinct species in 2021 by U.S. Fish and Wildlife. It had white wing patches and a white stripe that ran from its cheek down its neck and back. The male had a red crest and the female had a black crest. Ivory-billed woodpeckers had an ivory-colored bill. The ivory-billed woodpecker was once found in the southeastern United States and in Cuba.
Picidae Photo Gallery
World Status Key
Least Concern Near Threatened Vulnerable Endangered Critically Endangered Extinct in Wild Extinct
Status and range is taken from ICUN Redlist. If no status is listed, there is not enough data to establish status.
US Status Key
Threatened in US Threatened in NH Endangered in US Extinct in US Endangered in NH Introduced
Status taken from US Fish and Wildlife and NH Fish and Game
Africa Asia Australia/Oceania Europe North America South America NH
New Hampshire Species
Black-backed Woodpecker - Picoides arcticus 
Downy Woodpecker - Picoides pubescens 
Hairy Woodpecker - Picoides villosus 
Northern Flicker - Colaptes auratus 
Pileated Woodpecker - Dryocopus pileatus 
Red-bellied Woodpecker - Melanerpes carolinus 
Red-headed Woodpecker - Melanerpes erythrocephalus
American Three-toed Woodpecker - Picoides dorsalis 
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker - Sphyrapicus varius 
North/Central American Species
Pale-billed Woodpecker - Campephilus guatemalensis 
Crimson-bellied Woodpecker - Campephilus haematogaster 
Imperial Woodpecker - Campephilus imperialis 
Crimson-crested Woodpecker - Campephilus melanoleucos 
Ivory-billed Woodpecker - Campephilus principalis  
Chestnut-colored Woodpecker - Celeus castaneus 
Chestnut Woodpecker - Celeus elegans 
Cinnamon Woodpecker - Celeus loricatus 
Gray-crowned Woodpecker - Colaptes auricularis 
Gilded Flicker - Colaptes chrysoides 
Fernandina's Flicker - Colaptes fernandinae 
Spot-breasted Woodpecker - Colaptes punctigula 
Golden-olive Woodpecker - Colaptes rubiginosus 
Lineated Woodpecker - Dryocopus lineatus 
Eurasian Wryneck - Jynx torquilla 
Golden-fronted Woodpecker - Melanerpes aurifrons 
Golden-naped Woodpecker - Melanerpes chrysauchen 
Golden-cheeked Woodpecker - Melanerpes chrysogenys 
Acorn Woodpecker - Melanerpes formicivorus 
Guadeloupe Woodpecker - Melanerpes herminieri 
Hoffmann's Woodpecker - Melanerpes hoffmannii 
Gray-breasted Woodpecker - Melanerpes hypopolius 
Lewis's Woodpecker - Melanerpes lewis 
Puerto Rican Woodpecker - Melanerpes portoricensis 
Black-cheeked Woodpecker - Melanerpes pucherani 
Yucatan Woodpecker - Melanerpes pygmaeus 
Jamaican Woodpecker - Melanerpes radiolatus 
Red-crowned Woodpecker - Melanerpes rubricapillus 
Hispaniolan Woodpecker - Melanerpes striatus 
West Indian Woodpecker - Melanerpes superciliaris 
Gila Woodpecker - Melanerpes uropygialis 
Antillean Piculet - Nesoctites micromegas 
White-headed Woodpecker - Picoides albolarvatus 
Arizona Woodpecker - Picoides arizonae 
Red-cockaded Woodpecker - Picoides borealis 
Smoky-brown Woodpecker - Picoides fumigatus 
Nuttall's Woodpecker - Picoides nuttallii 
Ladder-backed Woodpecker - Picoides scalaris 
Strickland's Woodpecker - Picoides stricklandi 
Stripe-cheeked Woodpecker - Piculus callopterus 
Golden-green Woodpecker - Piculus chrysochloros 
White-throated Woodpecker - Piculus leucolaemus 
Rufous-winged Woodpecker - Piculus simplex 
Olivaceous Piculet - Picumnus olivaceus 
Red-naped Sapsucker - Sphyrapicus nuchalis 
Red-breasted Sapsucker - Sphyrapicus ruber 
Williamson's Sapsucker - Sphyrapicus thyroideus 
Red-rumped Woodpecker - Veniliornis kirkii 
Cuban Green Woodpecker - Xiphidiopicus percussus 
Other Species Around the World
Bay Woodpecker - Blythipicus pyrrhotis 
Maroon Woodpecker - Blythipicus rubiginosus 
Guayaquil Woodpecker - Campephilus gayaquilensis 
Pale-billed Woodpecker - Campephilus guatemalensis 
Crimson-bellied Woodpecker - Campephilus haematogaster[lc 
Imperial Woodpecker - Campephilus imperialis 
Cream-backed Woodpecker - Campephilus leucopogon 
Magellanic Woodpecker - Campephilus magellanicus 
Crimson-crested Woodpecker - Campephilus melanoleucos 
Powerful Woodpecker - Campephilus pollens 
Ivory-billed Woodpecker - Campephilus principalis 
Robust Woodpecker - Campephilus robustus 
Red-necked Woodpecker - Campephilus rubricollis 
Golden-tailed Woodpecker - Campethera abingoni 
Bennett's Woodpecker - Campethera bennettii 
Green-backed Woodpecker - Campethera cailliautii 
Brown-eared Woodpecker - Campethera caroli 
Little Green Woodpecker - Campethera maculosa 
Mombasa Woodpecker - Campethera mombassica 
Buff-spotted Woodpecker - Campethera nivosa 
Knysna Woodpecker - Campethera notata 
Nubian Woodpecker - Campethera nubica 
Fine-spotted Woodpecker - Campethera punctuligera 
Tullberg's Woodpecker - Campethera tullbergi 
Rufous Woodpecker - Celeus brachyurus 
Chestnut-colored Woodpecker - Celeus castaneus 
Chestnut Woodpecker - Celeus elegans 
Blond-crested Woodpecker - Celeus flavescens 
Cream-colored Woodpecker - Celeus flavus 
Scaly-breasted Woodpecker - Celeus grammicus 
Cinnamon Woodpecker - Celeus loricatus 
Pale-crested Woodpecker - Celeus lugubris 
Kaempfer's Woodpecker - Celeus obrieni 
Rufous-headed Woodpecker - Celeus spectabilis 
Ringed Woodpecker - Celeus torquatus 
Waved Woodpecker - Celeus undatus 
White-naped Woodpecker - Chrysocolaptes festivus 
Greater Flameback - Chrysocolaptes lucidus 
Black-necked Woodpecker - Colaptes atricollis 
Northern Flicker - Colaptes auratus 
Gray-crowned Woodpecker - Colaptes auricularis 
Campo Flicker - Colaptes campestris 
Gilded Flicker - Colaptes chrysoides 
Fernandina's Flicker - Colaptes fernandinae 
Green-barred Woodpecker - Colaptes melanochloros 
Chilean Flicker - Colaptes pitius 
Spot-breasted Woodpecker - Colaptes punctigula 
Crimson-mantled Woodpecker - Colaptes rivolii 
Golden-olive Woodpecker - Colaptes rubiginosus 
Andean Flicker - Colaptes rupicola 
Sind Woodpecker - Dendrocopos assimilis 
Stripe-breasted Woodpecker - Dendrocopos atratus 
Brown-fronted Woodpecker - Dendrocopos auriceps 
Gray-capped Woodpecker - Dendrocopos canicapillus 
Crimson-breasted Woodpecker - Dendrocopos cathpharius 
Darjeeling Woodpecker - Dendrocopos darjellensis 
Arabian Woodpecker - Dendrocopos dorae 
Himalayan Woodpecker - Dendrocopos himalayensis 
Rufous-bellied Woodpecker - Dendrocopos hyperythrus 
Pygmy Woodpecker - Dendrocopos kizuki 
White-winged Woodpecker - Dendrocopos leucopterus 
White-backed Woodpecker - Dendrocopos leucotos 
Fulvous-breasted Woodpecker - Dendrocopos macei 
Philippine Woodpecker - Dendrocopos maculatus 
Yellow-crowned Woodpecker - Dendrocopos mahrattensis 
Great Spotted Woodpecker-Dendrocopos major 
Middle Spotted Woodpecker - Dendrocopos medius 
Lesser Spotted Woodpecker - Dendrocopos minor 
Sunda Woodpecker - Dendrocopos moluccensis 
Brown-capped Woodpecker - Dendrocopos nanus 
Okinawa Woodpecker - Dendrocopos noguchii 
Brown-backed Woodpecker - Dendrocopos obsoletus 
Sulu Woodpecker - Dendrocopos ramsayi 
Syrian Woodpecker - Dendrocopos syriacus 
Sulawesi Woodpecker - Dendrocopos temminckii 
Abyssinian Woodpecker - Dendropicos abyssinicus 
Sahelian Woodpecker - Dendropicos elachus 
Cardinal Woodpecker - Dendropicos fuscescens 
Gabon Woodpecker - Dendropicos gabonensis 
Speckle-breasted Woodpecker - Dendropicos poecilolaemus 
Stierling's Woodpecker - Dendropicos stierlingi 
Black-rumped Flameback - Dinopium benghalense 
Common Flameback - Dinopium javanense 
Olive-backed Woodpecker - Dinopium rafflesii 
Himalayan Flameback - Dinopium shorii 
Helmeted Woodpecker - Dryocopus galeatus 
Andaman Woodpecker - Dryocopus hodgei 
White-bellied Woodpecker - Dryocopus javensis 
Lineated Woodpecker - Dryocopus lineatus 
Black Woodpecker - Dryocopus martius 
Pileated Woodpecker - Dryocopus pileatus 
Black-bodied Woodpecker - Dryocopus schulzi 
Pale-headed Woodpecker - Gecinulus grantia 
Bamboo Woodpecker - Gecinulus viridis 
Ground Woodpecker - Geocolaptes olivaceus 
Heart-spotted Woodpecker - Hemicircus canente 
Gray-and-buff Woodpecker - Hemicircus concretus 
Rufous-necked Wryneck - Jynx ruficollis 
Eurasian Wryneck - Jynx torquilla 
Black-and-buff Woodpecker - Meiglyptes jugularis 
Buff-rumped Woodpecker - Meiglyptes tristis 
Buff-necked Woodpecker - Meiglyptes tukki 
Golden-fronted Woodpecker - Melanerpes aurifrons 
White-fronted Woodpecker - Melanerpes cactorum 
White Woodpecker - Melanerpes candidus 
Red-bellied Woodpecker - Melanerpes carolinus 
Golden-naped Woodpecker - Melanerpes chrysauchen 
Golden-cheeked Woodpecker - Melanerpes chrysogenys 
Yellow-tufted Woodpecker - Melanerpes cruentatus 
Red-headed Woodpecker - Melanerpes erythrocephalus 
Yellow-fronted Woodpecker - Melanerpes flavifrons 
Acorn Woodpecker - Melanerpes formicivorus 
Guadeloupe Woodpecker - Melanerpes herminieri 
Hoffmann's Woodpecker - Melanerpes hoffmannii 
Gray-breasted Woodpecker - Melanerpes hypopolius 
Lewis's Woodpecker - Melanerpes lewis 
Puerto Rican Woodpecker - Melanerpes portoricensis 
Black-cheeked Woodpecker - Melanerpes pucherani 
Beautiful Woodpecker - Melanerpes pulcher 
Yucatan Woodpecker - Melanerpes pygmaeus 
Jamaican Woodpecker - Melanerpes radiolatus 
Red-crowned Woodpecker - Melanerpes rubricapillus 
Hispaniolan Woodpecker - Melanerpes striatus 
West Indian Woodpecker - Melanerpes superciliaris 
Gila Woodpecker - Melanerpes uropygialis 
Elliot's Woodpecker - Mesopicos elliotii 
Gray Woodpecker - Mesopicos goertae 
Olive Woodpecker - Mesopicos griseocephalus 
Ashy Woodpecker - Mulleripicus fulvus 
Sooty Woodpecker - Mulleripicus funebris 
Great Slaty Woodpecker - Mulleripicus pulverulentus 
Antillean Piculet - Nesoctites micromegas 
White-headed Woodpecker - Picoides albolarvatus 
Black-backed Woodpecker - Picoides arcticus 
Arizona Woodpecker - Picoides arizonae 
Red-cockaded Woodpecker - Picoides borealis 
American Three-toed Woodpecker-Picoides dorsalis 
Smoky-brown Woodpecker - Picoides fumigatus 
Nuttall's Woodpecker - Picoides nuttallii 
Downy Woodpecker - Picoides pubescens 
Ladder-backed Woodpecker - Picoides scalaris 
Strickland's Woodpecker - Picoides stricklandi 
Three-toed Woodpecker - Picoides tridactylus 
Hairy Woodpecker - Picoides villosus 
White-browed Woodpecker - Piculus aurulentus 
Stripe-cheeked Woodpecker - Piculus callopterus 
Golden-green Woodpecker - Piculus chrysochloros 
Yellow-throated Woodpecker - Piculus flavigula 
White-throated Woodpecker - Piculus leucolaemus 
Lita Woodpecker - Piculus litae 
Rufous-winged Woodpecker - Piculus simplex 
White-wedged Piculet - Picumnus albosquamatus 
Bar-breasted Piculet - Picumnus aurifrons 
Plain-breasted Piculet - Picumnus castelnau 
Chestnut Piculet - Picumnus cinnamomeus 
White-barred Piculet - Picumnus cirratus 
Ocellated Piculet - Picumnus dorbignyanus 
Golden-spangled Piculet - Picumnus exilis 
Tawny Piculet - Picumnus fulvescens 
Rusty-necked Piculet - Picumnus fuscus 
Grayish Piculet - Picumnus granadensis 
Speckled Piculet - Picumnus innominatus 
Lafresnaye's Piculet - Picumnus lafresnayi 
Ochraceous Piculet - Picumnus limae 
Guianan Piculet - Picumnus minutissimus 
Mottled Piculet - Picumnus nebulosus 
Olivaceous Piculet - Picumnus olivaceus 
Orinoco Piculet - Picumnus pumilus 
Spotted Piculet - Picumnus pygmaeus 
Rufous-breasted Piculet - Picumnus rufiventris 
Ecuadorian Piculet - Picumnus sclateri 
White-bellied Piculet - Picumnus spilogaster 
Scaled Piculet - Picumnus squamulatus 
Speckle-chested Piculet - Picumnus steindachneri 
Fine-barred Piculet - Picumnus subtilis 
Ochre-collared Piculet - Picumnus temminckii 
Varzea Piculet - Picumnus varzeae 
Japanese Woodpecker - Picus awokera 
Gray-faced Woodpecker - Picus canus 
Lesser Yellownape - Picus chlorolophus 
Black-headed Woodpecker - Picus erythropygius 
Greater Yellownape - Picus flavinucha 
Checker-throated Woodpecker - Picus mentalis 
Banded Woodpecker - Picus mineaceus 
Crimson-winged Woodpecker - Picus puniceus 
Red-collared Woodpecker - Picus rabieri 
Scaly-bellied Woodpecker - Picus squamatus 
Levaillant's Woodpecker - Picus vaillantii 
Streak-breasted Woodpecker - Picus viridanus 
Eurasian Green Woodpecker - Picus viridis 
Laced Woodpecker - Picus vittatus 
Streak-throated Woodpecker - Picus xanthopygaeus 
Orange-backed Woodpecker - Reinwardtipicus validus 
Rufous Piculet - Sasia abnormis 
African Piculet - Sasia africana 
White-browed Piculet - Sasia ochracea 
Red-naped Sapsucker - Sphyrapicus nuchalis 
Red-breasted Sapsucker - Sphyrapicus ruber 
Williamson's Sapsucker - Sphyrapicus thyroideus 
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker - Sphyrapicus varius 
Bearded Woodpecker - Thripias namaquus 
Fire-bellied Woodpecker - Thripias pyrrhogaster 
Golden-crowned Woodpecker - Thripias xantholophus 
Red-stained Woodpecker - Veniliornis affinis 
Scarlet-backed Woodpecker - Veniliornis callonotus 
Golden-collared Woodpecker - Veniliornis cassini 
Choco Woodpecker - Veniliornis chocoensis 
Yellow-vented Woodpecker - Veniliornis dignus 
Dot-fronted Woodpecker - Veniliornis frontalis 
Red-rumped Woodpecker - Veniliornis kirkii 
Striped Woodpecker - Veniliornis lignarius 
Yellow-eared Woodpecker - Veniliornis maculifrons 
Checkered Woodpecker - Veniliornis mixtus 
Bar-bellied Woodpecker - Veniliornis nigriceps 
Little Woodpecker - Veniliornis passerinus 
Blood-colored Woodpecker - Veniliornis sanguineus 
White-spotted Woodpecker - Veniliornis spilogaster 
Cuban Green Woodpecker - Xiphidiopicus percussus  Additional Information Resource Key
Profile Photos Video Audio
Abyssinian Woodpecker - Dendropicos abyssinicus
The Abyssinian woodpecker is found in Eritrea and Ethiopia.
Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Acorn Woodpecker - Melanerpes formicivorus
The acorn woodpecker is found in Belize, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, and the United States.
Source: Animal Diversity Web Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Acorn Woodpecker - Melanerpes formicivorus
In the United States, the acorn woodpecker is found in Washington, Oregon, California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas.
Source: USDA Forest Service Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Acorn Woodpecker - Melanerpes formicivorus
Groups of acorn woodpeckers spend hours and hours storing of acorns in holes in trees and telephone poles.
Source: Cornell Lab of Ornithology Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Acorn Woodpecker - Melanerpes formicivorus
The acorn woodpecker is black with a red cap and white
Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
American Three-toed Woodpecker - Picoides dorsalis 
The American three-toed woodpecker is found throughout much of Canada and in the northern United States.
Source: Seattle Audubon BirdWeb Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
American Three-toed Woodpecker - Picoides dorsalis 
The American three-toed woodpecker is a medium-sized black-and-white woodpecker.
Source: Cornell Lab of Ornithology Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
American Three-toed Woodpecker - Picoides dorsalis 
The male American three-toed woodpecker has a yellow cap.
Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Andaman Woodpecker - Dryocopus hodgei
The Andaman woodpecker is found in the Andaman Islands in India.
Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Andean Flicker - Colaptes rupicola
The Andean flicker is found in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, and Peru.
Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Antillean Piculet - Nesoctites micromegas
The Antillean piculet is found in the Dominican Republic and Haiti.
Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Arabian Woodpecker - Dendrocopos dorae
The Arabian woodpecker is found in Saudi Arabia and Yemen.
Source: Arkive Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Arabian Woodpecker - Dendrocopos dorae
The Arabian woodpecker is threatened because trees in it habitat are being cut down for charcoal, firewood and fodder.
Source:BirdLife International Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Arabian Woodpecker - Dendrocopos dorae
The Arabian woodpecker is grayish-brown with a reddish patch on its belly. The male has a red patch on the back of its head.
Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Arizona Woodpecker - Picoides arizonae
The Arizona woodpecker is found in Mexico and extreme southern Arizona and New Mexico. .
Source: Cornell Lab of Ornithology Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Arizona Woodpecker - Picoides arizonae
Unlike most woodpeckers in the United States, the Arizona woodpecker is brown and white, not black and white.
Source: National Audubon Society Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Ashy Woodpecker - Mulleripicus fulvus
The ashy woodpecker is found in Indonesia.
Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Bar-bellied Woodpecker - Veniliornis nigriceps
The bar-bellied woodpecker is found in Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru.
Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Bar-breasted Piculet - Picumnus aurifrons
The bar-breasted piculet is found in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, and Peru.
Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Bay Woodpecker - Blythipicus pyrrhotis
The bay woodpecker is found in Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, China, India, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Thailand, and Vietnam.
Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Bennett's Woodpecker - Campethera bennettii
Bennett's woodpecker is found in Angola, Botswana, Burundi,The Democratic Republic of the Congo, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Rwanda, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.
Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Black Woodpecker - Dryocopus martius
The black woodpecker is found across much of Europe and Asia.
Source: Arkive Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Black Woodpecker - Dryocopus martius
The black woodpecker a very large black woodpecker. The male has a red cap.
Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Black Woodpecker - Dryocopus martius
The black woodpecker is the largest woodpecker in Europe.
Source: Woodpeckers of Europe Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Black-and-buff Woodpecker - Meiglyptes jugularis
The black-and-buff woodpecker is found in Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam.
Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Black-backed Woodpecker - Picoides arcticus
The black-backed woodpecker is found in Canada and the United States.
Source: Arkive Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Black-backed Woodpecker - Picoides arcticus
The black-backed woodpecker is found in coniferous forests, especially in areas with burned trees.
Source: Cornell Lab of Ornithology Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Black-backed Woodpecker - Picoides arcticus
The black-backed woodpecker has a glossy black back and white underparts. They have three toes instead of four toes like most woodpeckers.
Source: Animal Diversity Web Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Black-bodied Woodpecker - Dryocopus schulzi
The black-bodied woodpecker is found in Argentina, Bolivia, and Paraguay. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Black-cheeked Woodpecker - Melanerpes pucherani
The black-cheeked woodpecker is found in Belize, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, and Panama. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Black-headed Woodpecker - Picus erythropygius
The black-headed woodpecker is found in Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Black-necked Woodpecker - Colaptes atricollis
The black-necked woodpecker is found in Peru. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Black-rumped Flameback - Dinopium benghalense
The black-rumped Flameback is found in Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan,and Sri Lanka. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Blond-crested Woodpecker - Celeus flavescens
The blond-crested woodpecker is found in Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Blood-colored Woodpecker - Veniliornis sanguineus
The blood-colored woodpecker is found in French Guiana, Guyana, and Suriname. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Brown-backed Woodpecker - Dendrocopos obsoletus
The brown-backed woodpecker is found in Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, The Democratic Republic of the Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Tanzania, Togo, and Uganda. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Brown-capped Woodpecker - Dendrocopos nanus
The brown-capped woodpecker is found in Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Brown-eared Woodpecker - Campethera caroli
The brown-eared woodpecker is found in Angola, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Congo, The Democratic Republic of the Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Liberia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Brown-fronted Woodpecker - Dendrocopos auriceps
The brown-fronted woodpecker is found in Afghanistan, India, Nepal, and Pakistan. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Buff-necked Woodpecker - Meiglyptes tukki
The buff-necked woodpecker is found in Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, and Thailand.
Source: Arkive Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Buff-necked Woodpecker - Meiglyptes tukki
The buff-necked woodpecker is found in lowland forests and swamps.
Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Buff-rumped Woodpecker - Meiglyptes tristis
The buff-rumped woodpecker is found in Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, and Thailand. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Buff-spotted Woodpecker - Campethera nivosa
The buff-spotted woodpecker is found in Angola, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Congo, The Democratic Republic of the Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Tanzania, Togo, and Uganda. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Campo Flicker - Colaptes campestris
The campo flicker is found in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, Suriname, and Uruguay.
Source: Arkive Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Campo Flicker - Colaptes campestris
The campo flicker has a black crown and throat. The sides of its head and its breast are a bright golden-yellow.
Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Cardinal Woodpecker - Dendropicos fuscescens
The cardinal woodpecker is found in Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Congo, The Democratic Republic of the Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa, Sudan, Swaziland, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Checker-throated Woodpecker - Picus mentalis
The checker-throated woodpecker is found in Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, and Thailand. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Chestnut Piculet - Picumnus cinnamomeus
The chestnut piculet is found in Colombia and Venezuela. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Chestnut Woodpecker - Celeus elegans
The chestnut woodpecker is found in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Peru, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, and Venezuela. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Chestnut-colored Woodpecker - Celeus castaneus
The chestnut-colored woodpecker is found in Belize, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, and Panama. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Chilean Flicker - Colaptes pitius
The chilean flicker is found in Argentina and Chile.
Source: Arkive Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Chilean Flicker - Colaptes pitius
The chilean flicker is found in open fields, stony hills, and at forest edges.
Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Choco Woodpecker - Veniliornis chocoensis
The choco woodpecker is found in Colombia and Ecuador. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Cinnamon Woodpecker - Celeus loricatus
The cinnamon woodpecker is found in Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Nicaragua, and Panama. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Common Flameback - Dinopium javanense
The common flameback is found in Bangladesh, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Cream-backed Woodpecker - Campephilus leucopogon
The cream-backed woodpecker is found in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Cream-colored Woodpecker - Celeus flavus
The cream-colored woodpecker is found in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Peru, Suriname, and Venezuela. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Crimson-bellied Woodpecker - Campephilus haematogaster
The crimson-bellied woodpecker is found in Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, and Peru. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Crimson-breasted Woodpecker - Dendrocopos cathpharius
The crimson-breasted woodpecker is found in Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, India, Laos, Myanmar, Nepal, Thailand, and Vietnam. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Crimson-crested Woodpecker - Campephilus melanoleucos
The crimson-crested woodpecker is found in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, and Venezuela. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Crimson-winged Woodpecker - Picus puniceus
The crimson-winged woodpecker is found in Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, and Thailand. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Cuban Green Woodpecker - Xiphidiopicus percussus
The Cuban green woodpecker is found in Cuba. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Darjeeling Woodpecker - Dendrocopos darjellensis
The Darjeeling woodpecker is found in Bhutan, China, India, Myanmar, Nepal, and Vietnam. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Dot-fronted Woodpecker - Veniliornis frontalis
The Dot-fronted woodpecker is found in Argentina and Bolivia. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Downy Woodpecker - Picoides pubescens
The downy woodpecker is found in Canada and across most of the United States. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Downy Woodpecker - Picoides pubescens
The downy woodpecker is found in open woodlands, orchards, yards, and parks.
Source: Cornell Lab of Ornithology Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Downy Woodpecker - Picoides pubescens
The downy woodpecker is a small black and white woodpecker. Males have a red patch on the nape of their necks.
Source: Seattle Audubon Bird Web Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Downy Woodpecker - Picoides pubescens
Downy woodpeckers are smallest woodpeckers native to North America.
Source: Animal Diversity Web Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Ecuadorian Piculet - Picumnus sclateri
The Ecuadorian piculet is found in Ecuador and Peru. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Eurasian Green Woodpecker - Picus viridis
The Eurasian green woodpecker is found across most of Europe and western Asia. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Eurasian Green Woodpecker - Picus viridis
The Eurasian green woodpecker is greenish-gray on its uppersides and has a red crown.
Source: Royal Society for the Protection of Birds Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Eurasian Three-toed Woodpecker - Picoides tridactylus
The Eurasian three-toed woodpecker is found across northern Eurasia from Norway to Korea. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Eurasian Three-toed Woodpecker - Picoides tridactylus
Unlike most woodpecker species that have four toes, the Eurasian three-toed woodpecker has only three toes.
Source: Woodpeckers of Europe Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Eurasian Wryneck - Jynx torquilla 
The Eurasian wryneck breeds in Europe and Asia. It winters in Africa and southern Asia.
Source: Arkive Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Eurasian Wryneck - Jynx torquilla
The Eurasian wryneck breeds in Europe and Asia. It winters in Africa and southern Asia.
Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Eurasian Wryneck - Jynx torquilla
The Eurasian wryneck is a small brown bird with a bill that is much shorter than the bills of most members of the woodpecker family.
Source: Woodpeckers of Europe Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Eurasian Wryneck - Jynx torquilla
The Eurasian wryneck feeds almost exclusively on ants it finds on The ground.
Source: Royal Society for the Protection of Birds Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Fernandina's Flicker - Colaptes fernandinae
Fernandina's flicker is found in Cuba.
Source: Arkive Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Fernandina's Flicker - Colaptes fernandinae
Fernandina's flicker is threatened by habitat fragmentation.
Source:BirdLife International Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Fernandina's Flicker - Colaptes fernandinae
Fernandina's flicker is a small yellowish-tan bird with black-barred wings.
Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Fine-barred Piculet - Picumnus subtilis
The fine-barred piculet is found in Peru. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Fine-spotted Woodpecker - Campethera punctuligera
The fine-spotted woodpecker is found in Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, The Democratic Republic of the Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Sudan, and Togo. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Fulvous-breasted Woodpecker - Dendrocopos macei
The fulvous-breasted woodpecker is found in Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Thailand, and Vietnam. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Gabon Woodpecker - Dendropicos gabonensis
The Gabon woodpecker is found in Angola, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Togo, and Uganda. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Gila Woodpecker - Melanerpes uropygialis
The gila woodpecker is found in Mexico and the United States. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Gila Woodpecker - Melanerpes uropygialis
In the United States, the gila woodpecker is found in deserts in extreme southwestern New Mexico, southern Arizona, and extreme southeast California.
Source: Animal Diversity Web Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Gila Woodpecker - Melanerpes uropygialis
The gila woodpecker nests in holes in saguaro cactus or trees.
Source: Cornell Lab of Ornithology Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Gila Woodpecker - Melanerpes uropygialis
The gila woodpecker's diet is mostly made up of insects, but it also eats fruit and berries.
Source: Desert Museum Intended Audience: Students Reading Level: Elementary/Middle School
Gilded Flicker - Colaptes chrysoides
The gilded flicker is found in Mexico and in the United States. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Gilded Flicker - Colaptes chrysoides
The gilded flicker is usually found in giant cactus forests of the Sonoran Desert.
Source: Cornell Lab of Ornithology Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Golden-cheeked Woodpecker - Melanerpes chrysogenys
The golden-cheeked woodpecker is found in Mexico. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Golden-fronted Woodpecker - Melanerpes aurifrons
The golden-fronted woodpecker is found in Belize, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, and the United States in Oklahoma and Texas. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Golden-fronted Woodpecker - Melanerpes aurifrons
The golden-fronted woodpecker eats equal amount of fruit and insects. In Texas, the faces of some golden-fronted woodpeckers turn purple because the birds eat so much fruit from the prickly pear.
Source: Cornell Lab of Ornithology Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Golden-green Woodpecker - Piculus chrysochloros
The golden-green woodpecker is found in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, and Venezuela. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Golden-naped Woodpecker - Melanerpes chrysauchen
The golden-naped woodpecker is found in Costa Rica and Panama. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Golden-olive Woodpecker - Colaptes rubiginosus
The golden-olive woodpecker is found in Argentina, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, French Guiana, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, and Venezuela. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Golden-spangled Piculet - Picumnus exilis
The golden-spangled Piculet is found in Brazil, Colombia, French Guiana, Guyana, Suriname, and Venezuela. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Golden-tailed Woodpecker - Campethera abingoni
The golden-tailed woodpecker is found in Angola, Benin, Botswana, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, The Democratic Republic of Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mozambique, Namibia, Rwanda, South Africa, Sudan, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe
. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Gray Woodpecker - Mesopicos goertae
The gray woodpecker is found in Angola, Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, The Democratic Republic of the Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Tanzania, Togo, and Uganda. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Gray-breasted Woodpecker - Melanerpes hypopolius
The gray-breasted woodpecker is found in Mexico. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Gray-capped Woodpecker - Dendrocopos canicapillus
The gray-capped woodpecker is found in Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, North Korea, South Korea, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Russia, Taiwan,Thailand, and Vietnam. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Gray-faced Woodpecker - Picus canus
The gray-faced woodpecker is also known as The gray-headed woodpecker.
Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Gray-faced Woodpecker - Picus canus
The gray-faced woodpecker is olive-green with a gray face and shoulders.
Source: Woodpeckers of Europe Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Grayish Piculet - Picumnus granadensis
The grayish piculet is found in Colombia. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Great Slaty Woodpecker - Mulleripicus pulverulentus
The great slaty woodpecker is found in southeast Asia.
Source: Arkive Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Great Slaty Woodpecker - Mulleripicus pulverulentus
At 20-23 inches in length, the great slaty woodpecker is one of the largest woodpeckers in the world.
Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Great Spotted Woodpecker - Dendrocopos major
The great spotted woodpecker is found throughout Europe as well as in northern Asia and Africa.
Source: Arkive Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Great Spotted Woodpecker - Dendrocopos major
The great spotted woodpecker has a very distinctive bouncing flight.
Source: Royal Society for the Protection of Birds Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Great Spotted Woodpecker - Dendrocopos major
The great spotted woodpecker is black and white. The male has a red patch on the nape of his neck.
Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Greater Flameback - Chrysocolaptes lucidus
The greater flameback is found in Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Vietnam. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Greater Yellownape - Picus flavinucha
The greater yellownape is found in Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Thailand, and Vietnam. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Green-backed Woodpecker - Campethera cailliautii
The green-backed woodpecker is found in Angola, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Congo, The Democratic Republic of the Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda, Somalia, Sudan, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Green-barred Woodpecker - Colaptes melanochloros
The green-barred woodpecker is found in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Ground Woodpecker - Geocolaptes olivaceus
The ground woodpecker is found in Lesotho, South Africa, and Swaziland. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Guadeloupe Woodpecker - Melanerpes herminieri
The Guadeloupe woodpecker is found in Guadeloupe. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Guayaquil Woodpecker - Campephilus gayaquilensis
The Guayaquil woodpecker is found in Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Guianan Piculet - Picumnus minutissimus
The Guianan piculet is found in French Guiana, Guyana, and Suriname. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Hairy Woodpecker - Picoides villosus
The hairy woodpecker is found in Bahamas, Canada, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Puerto Rico, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, Turks and Caicos Islands, and throughout much of the United States. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Hairy Woodpecker - Picoides villosus
The hairy woodpecker is a medium-sized black and white woodpecker. Males have a small red patch on the back of their heads.
Source: Cornell Lab of Ornithology Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Hairy Woodpecker - Picoides villosus
The hairy woodpecker is non-migratory.
Source: Seattle Audubon BirdWeb Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Hairy Woodpecker - Picoides villosus
The hairy woodpecker is found in forested areas with dead trees.
Source: Animal Diversity Web Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School Heart-spotted Woodpecker - Hemicircus canente
The heart-spotted woodpecker is found in Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Laos Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Helmeted Woodpecker - Dryocopus galeatus
The helmeted woodpecker is found in Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay.
Source: Arkive Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Helmeted Woodpecker - Dryocopus galeatus
The helmeted woodpecker is threatened by habitat loss and fragmentation.
Source:BirdLife International Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Himalayan Flameback - Dinopium shorii
The Himalayan flameback is found in Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Myanmar, and Nepal.
Source: Arkive Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Himalayan Flameback - Dinopium shorii
The Himalayan flameback has a reddish-orange back.
Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Himalayan Woodpecker - Dendrocopos himalayensis
The Himalayan woodpecker is found in Afghanistan, India, Nepal, and Pakistan. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Hispaniolan Woodpecker - Melanerpes striatus
The Hispaniolan woodpecker is found in the Dominican Republic and Haiti. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Hoffmann's Woodpecker - Melanerpes hoffmannii
Hoffmann's woodpecker is found in Costa Rica, Honduras, and Nicaragua. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Imperial Woodpecker - Campephilus imperialis
The imperial woodpecker is native to Mexico. It has not been sighted since 1956.
Source: Arkive Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Imperial Woodpecker - Campephilus imperialis
The imperial woodpecker is a large black woodpecker with white wing patches.
The male has a red crest and the female has a long, curling black crest.
Source:BirdLife International Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Ivory-billed Woodpecker - Campephilus principalis
The ivory-billed woodpecker is found in Cuba.
Source: Arkive Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Ivory-billed Woodpecker - Campephilus principalis
The ivory-billed woodpecker was once found from east Texas to North Carolina, from southern Illinois through Florida, and south to Cuba. Scientists are trying to determine if it is still in its original range.
Source: Cornell Lab of Ornithology - Ivory-billed Woodpecker Search Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Ivory-billed Woodpecker - Campephilus principalis
The ivory-billed woodpecker is the the third largest woodpecker in the world.
Source: Cornell Lab of Ornithology Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Ivory-billed Woodpecker - Campephilus principalis
Ivory-billed woodpeckers make a unique double-knock noise when pecking at trees.
Source: National Geographic Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Ivory-billed Woodpecker - Campephilus principalis
Ivory-billed woodpeckers get their name from their long, sharp white bill.
Source: Animal Diversity Web Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Ivory-billed Woodpecker - Campephilus principalis
Robert Krulwich reports on the search for the ivory-billed woodpecker.
Source: PBS NOVA ScienceNOW Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Jamaican Woodpecker - Melanerpes radiolatus
The Jamaican woodpecker is found in Jamaica. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Japanese Woodpecker - Picus awokera
The Japanese woodpecker is found in Japan. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Kaempfer's Woodpecker - Celeus obrieni
Kaempfer's woodpecker is found in Brazil. Prior to its rediscovery in 2006, it hadn't been seen in the wild since 1926.
Source: Arkive Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Knysna Woodpecker - Campethera notata
The Knysna woodpecker is found in South Africa. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Laced Woodpecker - Picus vittatus
The laced woodpecker is found in Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Ladder-backed Woodpecker - Picoides scalaris
The ladder-backed woodpecker is found in Belize, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, and the United States in California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, and Oklahoma. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Ladder-backed Woodpecker - Picoides scalaris
The ladder-backed woodpecker is found in pine and oak woodlands, deserts, and desert scrub.
Source: Cornell Lab of Ornithology Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Ladder-backed Woodpecker - Picoides scalaris
The ladder-backed woodpecker is black and white with ladder-like bars on its back. The male has a red patch on his crown.
Source: Animal Diversity Web Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School Lafresnaye's Piculet - Picumnus lafresnayi
Lafresnaye's piculet is found in Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Lesser Spotted Woodpecker - Dendrocopos minor
The lesser spotted woodpecker is found in much of Euro and Asia and northern Africa. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Lesser Spotted Woodpecker - Dendrocopos minor
The lesser spotted woodpecker is black and white. The male has a red cap.
Source: Royal Society for the Protection of Birds Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Lesser Yellownape - Picus chlorolophus
The lesser yellownape is found in Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Vietnam. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Lewis's Woodpecker - Melanerpes lewis
Lewis's woodpecker is found in Canada, Mexico, and west of the Great Plains in the United States. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Lewis's Woodpecker - Melanerpes lewis
Lewis's woodpecker is greenish- black with a gray collar and breast, a pinkish-red belly, and a red face.
Source: Cornell Lab of Ornithology Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Lewis's Woodpecker - Melanerpes lewis
Lewis's woodpecker is found in open forests.
Source: Seattle Audubon BirdWeb Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Lewis's Woodpecker - Melanerpes lewis
Lewis's Woodpeckers prefer logged or burned out areas.
Source: Animal Diversity Web Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Lineated Woodpecker - Dryocopus lineatus
The lineated woodpecker is found in Argentina, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, French Guiana, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, and Venezuela. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Lita Woodpecker - Piculus litae
The Lita woodpecker is found in Colombia and Ecuador. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Little Green Woodpecker - Campethera maculosa
The little green woodpecker is found in Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Senegal, Sierra Leone, and Togo. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Little Woodpecker - Veniliornis passerinus
The little woodpecker is found in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, and Venezuela. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Magellanic Woodpecker - Campephilus magellanicus
The Magellanic woodpecker is found in Argentina and Chile.
Source: Arkive Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Magellanic Woodpecker - Campephilus magellanicus
The Magellanic woodpecker is the largest woodpecker in South America. It is black with a white wing patch. Males have a red head.
Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Maroon Woodpecker - Blythipicus rubiginosus
The maroon woodpecker is found in Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, and Thailand. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Middle Spotted Woodpecker - Dendrocopos medius
The middle spotted woodpecker is found in much of Europe and southwest Asia. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Middle Spotted Woodpecker - Dendrocopos medius
Both the male and the female middle spotted woodpecker have a red crown.
Source: Woodpeckers of Europe Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School Mombasa Woodpecker - Campethera mombassica
The Mombasa woodpecker is found in Kenya, Somalia, and Tanzania. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Mottled Piculet - Picumnus nebulosus
The mottled piculet is found in Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Northern Flicker - Colaptes auratus 
The northern flicker is found in Canada, the cayman Islands, Cuba, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, and the United States.
Source: Arkive Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Northern Flicker - Colaptes auratus 
The northern flicker is found across most of the United States.
Source: Cornell Lab of Ornithology Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Northern Flicker - Colaptes auratus 
Unlike most black and white woodpecker species in the United States, the northern flicker is a brownish-gray.
Source: Seattle Audubon BirdWeb Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Northern Flicker - Colaptes auratus 
A large part of the northern flicker's diet is made up of ants.
Source: Animal Diversity Web Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Northern Flicker - Colaptes auratus 
The northern flicker is also known as The yellowhammer.
Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Nubian Woodpecker - Campethera nubica
The Nubian woodpecker is found in Chad, The Democratic Republic of the Congo , Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, Sudan, Tanzania, and Uganda. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Nuttall's Woodpecker - Picoides nuttallii
Nuttall's woodpecker is found in California and reaches just slightly into Mexico. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Nuttall's Woodpecker - Picoides nuttallii
Nuttall's woodpecker is found in oak woodlands.
Source: Cornell Lab of Ornithology Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Nuttall's Woodpecker - Picoides nuttallii
Nuttall's Woodpeckers are often hidden in foliage and may be heard before they are seen.
Source: National Audubon Society Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Ocellated Piculet - Picumnus dorbignyanus
The ocellated piculet is found in Argentina, Bolivia, and Peru. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Ochraceous Piculet - Picumnus limae
The ochraceous piculet is found in northeast Brazil.
Source: Arkive Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Ochraceous Piculet - Picumnus limae
The ochraceous piculet is a tiny brown woodpecker with a black head dotted with white spots.
Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Ochre-collared Piculet - Picumnus temminckii
The ochre-collared piculet is found in Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Okinawa Woodpecker - Dendrocopos noguchii
The Okinawa woodpecker is found in Japan.
Source: Arkive Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Okinawa Woodpecker - Dendrocopos noguchii
The Okinawa woodpecker is threatened by loss of its habitat to logging, dam construction, agriculture, and golf course development.
Source:BirdLife International Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Olivaceous Piculet - Picumnus olivaceus
The olivaceous piculet is found in Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, and Venezuela. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Olive Woodpecker - Mesopicos griseocephalus
The olive woodpecker is found in Angola, Burundi, The Democratic Republic of the Congo , Malawi, Mozambique, Rwanda, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Orange-backed Woodpecker - Reinwardtipicus validus
The orange-backed woodpecker is found in Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Orinoco Piculet - Picumnus pumilus
The Orinoco piculet is found in Brazil, Colombia, nd Venezuela. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Pale-billed Woodpecker - Campephilus guatemalensis
The pale-billed woodpecker is found in Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, and Panama. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Pale-crested Woodpecker - Celeus lugubris
The pale-crested woodpecker is found in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, and Paraguay. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Pale-headed Woodpecker - Gecinulus grantia
The pale-headed woodpecker is found in Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, India, Laos, Myanmar, Nepal, Thailand, and Vietnam. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Philippine Woodpecker - Dendrocopos maculatus
The Philippine woodpecker is found in Philippines. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Pileated Woodpecker - Dryocopus pileatus
The pileated woodpecker is found in Canada, Mexico, and across much of the eastern United States as well as in California, Oregon, Washington, and Idaho. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Pileated Woodpecker - Dryocopus pileatus
The pileated woodpecker is the largest woodpecker in most of North America., Only the ivory-billed woodpecker and the imperial woodpecker are larger.
Source: Cornell Lab of Ornithology Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Pileated Woodpecker - Dryocopus pileatus
The pileated woodpecker is the size of the American crow.
Source: National Geographic Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Pileated Woodpecker - Dryocopus pileatus
The pileated woodpecker is black with a white-striped face and a bright red pointed crest on its head.
Source: Seattle Audubon BirdWeb Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Pileated Woodpecker - Dryocopus pileatus [
Carpenter ants make up a large part of the pileated woodpecker's diet.
Source: National Audubon Society Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Pileated Woodpecker - Dryocopus pileatus [
The pileated woodpecker is very adept at moving around on vertical surfaces like tree trunks. It occasionally hops on the ground.
Source: Animal Diversity Web Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School Powerful Woodpecker - Campephilus pollens
The powerful woodpecker is found in Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Puerto Rican Woodpecker - Melanerpes portoricensis
The Puerto Rican woodpecker is found in Puerto Rico. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Pygmy Woodpecker - Dendrocopos kizuki
The pygmy woodpecker is found in China, Japan, South Korea, North Korea, and Russia . Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Red-bellied Woodpecker - Melanerpes carolinus
The red-bellied woodpecker is found in Canada, Mexico, and the eastern half of the United States. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Red-bellied Woodpecker - Melanerpes carolinus
The red-bellied woodpecker is found in forests, especially mature hardwood forests.
Source: Animal Diversity Web Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Red-bellied Woodpecker - Melanerpes carolinus
The red-bellied woodpecker has a black and white barred back, a red cap, and a pinkish-red breast and belly.
Source: Cornell Lab of Ornithology Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Red-breasted Sapsucker - Sphyrapicus ruber
The red-breasted sapsucker is found along the Pacific Coast from British Columbia , Canada to Baja California, Mexico. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Red-breasted Sapsucker - Sphyrapicus ruber
The red-breasted sapsucker has a red head and breast and a black and white barred back.
Source: Seattle Audubon BirdWeb Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Red-breasted Sapsucker - Sphyrapicus ruber
The red-breasted sapsucker usually breeds in coniferous forests.
Source: Cornell Lab of Ornithology Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Red-cockaded Woodpecker - Picoides borealis
The red-cockaded woodpecker is found in the southeastern United States.
Source: Arkive Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Red-cockaded Woodpecker - Picoides borealis
The red-cockaded woodpecker is a small, black and white woodpecker with a barred back.
Source: Animal Diversity Web Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Red-cockaded Woodpecker - Picoides borealis
The red-cockaded woodpecker is found in pine forests with widely-spaced older trees.
Source: Cornell Lab of Ornithology Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Red-cockaded Woodpecker - Picoides borealis
Red-cockaded woodpeckers are endangered because the open forests with big, old pine trees have been replaced by forests with younger, smaller pine trees.
Source: Texas Parks and Wildlife Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Red-cockaded Woodpecker - Picoides borealis
Learn more about the red-cockaded woodpecker from this 17-page brochure. Note: PDF Format.
Source: US Fish and Wildlife Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle/High School
Red-crowned Woodpecker - Melanerpes rubricapillus
The red-crowned woodpecker is found in Colombia, Costa Rica, Guyana, Panama, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, and Venezuela. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Red-headed Woodpecker - Melanerpes erythrocephalus
The red-headed woodpecker is found in the central and eastern United States and parts of southern Canada.
Source: Arkive Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Red-headed Woodpecker - Melanerpes erythrocephalus
The red-headed woodpecker has a red head, neck, and throat, a white breast and belly, and black wings with white patches.
Source: Cornell Lab of Ornithology Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Red-headed Woodpecker - Melanerpes erythrocephalus
The red-headed woodpecker is found in open woodlands and forest edges and clearings.
Source: Animal Diversity Web Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Red-headed Woodpecker - Melanerpes erythrocephalus
The red-headed woodpecker is the only woodpecker known to cover food with bark and other wood.
Source: National Audubon Society Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Red-headed Woodpecker - Melanerpes erythrocephalus
The red-headed woodpecker is the only woodpecker in North America with an entirely red head and neck.
Source: Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Red-headed Woodpecker - Melanerpes erythrocephalus
The red-headed woodpecker catches insects in the air, on the ground, and in trees. It also eats seeds, berries, nuts, fruit, and even the eggs of other birds.
Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Red-naped Sapsucker - Sphyrapicus nuchalis
The red-naped sapsucker is found in Canada, Guatemala, Mexico, and in the Rocky Mountains and Great Basin region of in the United States. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Red-naped Sapsucker - Sphyrapicus nuchalis
The tip of the red-naped sapsucker's tongue has small hair-like projections on it that help pick up sap.
Source: Cornell Lab of Ornithology Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Red-naped Sapsucker - Sphyrapicus nuchalis
The red-naped sapsucker feeds on sap, insects, and fruits.
Source: Seattle Audubon Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Red-necked Woodpecker - Campephilus rubricollis
The red-necked woodpecker is found in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Peru, Suriname, and Venezuela. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Red-rumped Woodpecker - Veniliornis kirkii
The red-rumped woodpecker is found in Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guyana, Panama, Peru, Trinidad and Tobago, and Venezuela. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Red-stained Woodpecker - Veniliornis affinis
The red-stained woodpecker is found in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Ringed Woodpecker - Celeus torquatus
The ringed woodpecker is found in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Peru, Suriname, and Venezuela. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Robust Woodpecker - Campephilus robustus
The robust woodpecker is found in Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Rufous Piculet - Sasia abnormis
The rufous piculet is found in Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, and Thailand. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Rufous Woodpecker - Celeus brachyurus
The rufous woodpecker is found in Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Vietnam. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Rufous-bellied Woodpecker - Dendrocopos hyperythrus
The rufous-bellied woodpecker is found in Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, China, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Russia, Thailand, and Vietnam. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Rufous-headed Woodpecker - Celeus spectabilis
The rufous-headed woodpecker is found in Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, and Peru. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Rufous-necked Wryneck - Jynx ruficollis
The Rufous-necked Wryneck is found in Angola, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Congo, The Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Gabon, Kenya, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Rufous-winged Woodpecker - Piculus simplex
The rufous-winged woodpecker is found in Costa Rica, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Scaled Piculet - Picumnus squamulatus
The scaled piculet is found in Colombia and Venezuela. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Scaly-breasted Woodpecker - Celeus grammicus
The scaly-breasted woodpecker is found in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Peru, and Venezuela. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Scarlet-backed Woodpecker - Veniliornis callonotus
The scarlet-backed woodpecker is found in Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Smoky-brown Woodpecker - Picoides fumigatus
The smoky-brown woodpecker is found in Argentina, Belize, Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, and Venezuela. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Sooty Woodpecker - Mulleripicus funebris
The sooty woodpecker is found in Philippines. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Speckle-breasted Woodpecker - Dendropicos poecilolaemus
The speckle-breasted woodpecker is found in Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, The Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sudan, and Uganda. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Speckle-chested Piculet - Picumnus steindachneri
The speckle-chested piculet is found in Peru.
Source: Arkive Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Speckle-chested Piculet - Picumnus steindachneri
The speckle-chested piculet is threatened by deforestation.
Source:BirdLife International Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Speckled Piculet - Picumnus innominatus
The speckled piculet is found in Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Thailand, Vietnam. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Spot-breasted Woodpecker - Colaptes punctigula
The spot-breasted woodpecker is found in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Panama, Peru, Suriname, and Venezuela. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Spotted Piculet - Picumnus pygmaeus
The spotted piculet is found in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Panama, Peru, Suriname, and Venezuela. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Stierling's Woodpecker - Dendropicos stierlingi
Stierling's woodpecker is found in Malawi, Mozambique, and Tanzania. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Streak-breasted Woodpecker - Picus viridanus
The streak-breasted woodpecker is found in Bangladesh, Malaysia, Myanmar, and Thailand. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Streak-throated Woodpecker - Picus xanthopygaeus
The streak-throated woodpecker is found in Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, China, India, Laos, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Vietnam. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Strickland's Woodpecker - Picoides stricklandi
Strickland's woodpecker is found in Mexico and the United States. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Stripe-breasted Woodpecker - Dendrocopos atratus
The stripe-breasted woodpecker is found in Bhutan, China, India, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Striped Woodpecker - Veniliornis lignarius
The striped woodpecker is found in Argentina, Bolivia, and Chile. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Sulu Woodpecker - Dendrocopos ramsayi
The Sulu woodpecker is found in the Philippines.
Source:BirdLife International Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Sunda Woodpecker - Dendrocopos moluccensis
The Sunda woodpecker is found in Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia,and Singapore. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Syrian Woodpecker - Dendrocopos syriacus
The Syrian woodpecker is found in central and eastern Europe, the Middle East, western Asia, and northern Africa. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Syrian Woodpecker - Dendrocopos syriacus
The Syrian woodpecker is black and white with a pink rump. The male has a red nape patch
Source: Woodpeckers of Europe Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Tawny Piculet - Picumnus fulvescens
The tawny piculet is found in Brazil. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Tawny Piculet - Picumnus fulvescens
The tawny piculet is a reddish-brown with a dark brown back and a black head spotted with white.
Source:BirdLife International Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Tullberg's Woodpecker - Campethera tullbergi
Tullberg's woodpecker is found in Burundi, Cameroon, The Democratic Republic of the Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Waved Woodpecker - Celeus undatus
The waved woodpecker is found in Brazil, French Guiana, Guyana, Suriname, and Venezuela. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
West Indian Woodpecker - Melanerpes superciliaris
The West Indian woodpecker is found in the Bahamas, the Cayman Islands, Cuba, and the Turks and Caicos Islands. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
White Woodpecker - Melanerpes candidus
The white woodpecker is found in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, French Guiana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, and Uruguay. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
White-backed Woodpecker - Dendrocopos leucotos
The white-backed woodpecker is found from central Europe east to Japan. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
White-backed Woodpecker - Dendrocopos leucotos
The white-backed woodpecker is black and white with a reddish-pink rump. The male has a red crown and the female has a black crown.
Source: Woodpeckers of Europe Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
White-backed Woodpecker - Dendrocopos leucotos
The white-backed woodpecker is found in mature, open deciduous and mixed forests in upland or mountain regions.
Source: Animal Diversity Web Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School White-barred Piculet - Picumnus cirratus
The white-barred piculet is found in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, French Guiana, Guyana, and Paraguay. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
White-bellied Woodpecker - Dryocopus javensis
The white-bellied woodpecker is found in Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia,North Korea, South Korea, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
White-browed Piculet - Sasia ochracea
The white-browed piculet is found in Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, India, Laos, Myanmar, Nepal, Thailand, and Vietnam. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
White-browed Woodpecker - Piculus aurulentus
The white-browed woodpecker is also known as the yellow-browed woodpecker. It is found in Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
White-fronted Woodpecker - Melanerpes cactorum
The white-fronted woodpecker is found in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, Peru, and Uruguay. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
White-headed Woodpecker - Picoides albolarvatus
The white-headed woodpecker is found in along the Pacific Coast from southern British Columbia , Canada to southern California. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
White-headed Woodpecker - Picoides albolarvatus
The white-headed woodpecker is found in mountain pine forests.
Source: Cornell Lab of Ornithology Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
White-headed Woodpecker - Picoides albolarvatus
The white-headed woodpecker has a black body and a white head. The male has a red patch on the back of its head.
Source: Seattle Audubon BirdWeb Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
White-naped Woodpecker - Chrysocolaptes festivus
The white-naped woodpecker is found in India, Nepal, and Sri Lanka. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
White-spotted Woodpecker - Veniliornis spilogaster
The white-spotted woodpecker is found in Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
White-wedged Piculet - Picumnus albosquamatus
The white-wedged piculet is found in Bolivia, Brazil, and Paraguay. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
White-winged Woodpecker - Dendrocopos leucopterus
The white-winged woodpecker is found in Afghanistan, China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Williamson's Sapsucker - Sphyrapicus thyroideus
Williamson's sapsucker is found in mountainous areas from southern British Columbia , Canada south to northern Mexico. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Williamson's Sapsucker - Sphyrapicus thyroideus
The male Williamson's sapsucker is black on its upperparts. They have a white rump, a bright yellow belly, a red throat, and a black breast. The female is barred with light and dark brown. They have a brown head, a yellow belly, a white rump, and a black breast.
Source: Cornell Lab of Ornithology Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Williamson's Sapsucker - Sphyrapicus thyroideus
In areas where sap freezes, Williamson's Sapsuckers are complete migrants, traveling in flocks to the American Southwest and Mexico for the winter.
Source: Seattle Audubon BirdWeb Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker - Sphyrapicus varius 
The yellow-bellied sapsucker is found in North America, Central America, and the Caribbean.
Source: Arkive Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker - Sphyrapicus varius 
In the United States, the yellow-bellied sapsucker is found in the eastern half of the country.
Source: Cornell Lab of Ornithology Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker - Sphyrapicus varius 
The male yellow-bellied sapsucker male has a red crown, black and white head and a red throat.
The female has a white throat. Both the male and the female have a yellow breast and upper belly.
Source: Animal Diversity Web Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker - Sphyrapicus varius 
The male yellow-bellied sapsucker feeds on sap, insects, fruit, and berries.
Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Yellow-crowned Woodpecker - Dendrocopos mahrattensis
The yellow-crowned woodpecker is found in Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Laos, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Vietnam. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Yellow-eared Woodpecker - Veniliornis maculifrons
The yellow-eared woodpecker is found in Brazil. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Yellow-fronted Woodpecker - Melanerpes flavifrons
The yellow-fronted woodpecker is found in Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Yellow-throated Woodpecker - Piculus flavigula
The yellow-throated woodpecker is found in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Peru, Suriname, and Venezuela. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Yellow-tufted Woodpecker - Melanerpes cruentatus
The yellow-tufted woodpecker is found in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Peru, Suriname, and Venezuela. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Yellow-vented Woodpecker - Veniliornis dignus
The yellow-vented woodpecker is found in Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School Yucatan Woodpecker - Melanerpes pygmaeus
The Yucatan woodpecker is found in Belize, Honduras, and Mexico. Source: Internet Bird Collection Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School