World Status Key
Least Concern Near Threatened Vulnerable Endangered Critically Endangered Extinct in Wild Extinct Not Enough Data
Status and range is taken from ICUN Redlist.
U.S. Status Key
Threatened in US Endangered in US Introduced
Status taken from US Fish and Wildlife. Click on U.S. status icon to go to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife species profile. |
New Hampshire Status Key
Threatened in NH Endangered in NH Breeds in NH (birds)
Status taken from NH Fish and Game
Location Key
Africa Asia Australia/Oceania Europe North America South America NH Click for More Info Click for Image
Atlantic Ocean Indian Ocean Mediterranean/Black Sea Pacific Ocean
Additional Information Resource Key
Profile Photos Video Audio
Spaghetti Eel - Moringua edwardsi 
The spaghetti eel is found in the western Atlantic from Bermuda and Florida, the Caribbean, and the Lesser Antilles to Venezuela.
Source: Fish Base Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Ridged Eel - Neoconger mucronatus 
The ridged eel is found in the western Atlantic from northwestern Gulf of Mexico and Cuba to northern South America
Source: Fish Base Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Smalleye Spaghetti-eel - Neoconger vermiformis 
The smalleye spaghetti eel is found from the Gulf of California, Mexico south to Colombia.
Source: Fish Base Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Moringua abbreviata 
Moringua abbreviata is found in the Indian and Pacific oceans.
Source: Fish Base Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Bengal Spaghetti Eel - Moringua arundinacea 
The Bengal spaghetti eel is found in the eastern Indian Ocean.
Source: Fish Base Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Bicolor Spaghetti Eel - Moringua bicolor 
The bicolor spaghetti eel is found from Madagascar to Fiji, north to Japan and south to Indonesia.
Source: Fish Base Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Rusty Spaghetti Eel - Moringua ferruginea 
The rusty spaghetti eel is found from East Africa north to the Ryukyus Islands of Japan and south through Micronesia to Australia and Easter Island.
Source: Fish Base Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Java Spaghetti Eel - Moringua javanica 
The Java spaghetti eel is found from East Africa north to the Ryukyus Islands of Japan and south through Micronesia to Australia and French Polynesia.
Source: Fish Base Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Moringua macrocephalus 
Moringua macrocephalus is found in the East China Sea and the South China Sea.
Source: Fish Base Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Longfin Spaghetti Eel - Moringua macrochir 
The longfin spaghetti eel is found in the Indian and West Pacific oceans.
Source: Fish Base Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Lesser Thrush Eel - Moringua microchir 
The lesser thrush eel is found in the Indian and West Pacific oceans from East Africa to Samoa and Australia's Great Barrier Reef.
Source: Fish Base Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Penn's Thrush Eel - Moringua penni 
The Penn's thrush eel is found in the waters around Papua New Guinea.
Source: Fish Base Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Purple Spaghetti Eel - Moringua raitaborua 
The purple spaghetti eel is found in the Eastern Indian Ocean and its estuaries.
Source: Fish Base Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Swollengut Worm Eel - Neoconger tuberculatus 
The swollengut worm eel is found in waters around Australia.
Source: Fish Base Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School