There are around 151 species in this family of tree frogs. They are called glass frogs because they have
transparent skin, and you can see their internal organs, bones, and muscles through their skin.
Glass frogs are usually green with red, blue, yellow, or white markings. Most species are around an inch in length. They are found in mountain rain forests in South and Central America and live in trees near streams, creeks, and rivers.
The female lays her eggs on the leaves of a tree overhanging the water. Both parents guard the eggs from predators. When the eggs hatch, the tadpoles fall into the water.
Centrolenidae Photo Gallery
World Status Key
Least Concern Near Threatened Vulnerable Endangered Critically Endangered Extinct in the Wild Extinct
Status and range is taken from ICUN Redlist. If no status is listed, there is not enough data to establish status.
US Status Key
Threatened in US Threatened in NH Endangered in US Endangered in NH Introduced
Status taken from US Fish and Wildlife and NH Fish and Game
Africa Asia Australia/Oceania Europe North America South America NH Click for More Info Click for Image
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Key: Profile Photos Video Audio
Centrolene altitudinale 
Centrolene altitudinale is found in Venezuela.
Source: AmphibiaWeb Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Giant Glass Frog - Centrolene antioquiense 
The giant glass frog is found in Colombia.
Source: Arkive Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Giant Glass Frog - Centrolene antioquiense 
The giant glass frog is found in vegetation next to streams.
Source: AmphibiaWeb Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Napo Giant Glass Frog - Centrolene audax 
The Napo giant glass frog is found in Colombia and Ecuador.
Source: Arkive Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Napo Giant Glass Frog - Centrolene audax 
The Napo giant glass frog lives in the cloud forest.
Source: AmphibiaWeb Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Centrolene bacatum 
Centrolene bacatum is found in Colombia and Ecuador.
Source: AmphibiaWeb Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Burrowes' Giant Glass Frog - Centrolene ballux 
Burrowes' giant glass frog is found in Colombia and Ecuador.
Source: Arkive Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Burrowes' Giant Glass Frog - Centrolene ballux 
Burrowes' giant glass frog is also known as the golden-flecked glass frog.
Source: Tropical Herping Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Buckley's Giant Glass Frog - Centrolene buckleyi 
Buckley's giant glass frog is found in Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru.
Source: Arkive Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Buckley's Giant Glass Frog - Centrolene buckleyi 
Buckley's giant glass frog is found in mountain forests, brushlands, and grasslands.
Source: AmphibiaWeb Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Centrolene daidaleum 
Centrolene daidaleum is found in Colombia .
Source: AmphibiaWeb Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Fernando's Giant Glass Frog - Centrolene fernandoi 
Fernando's giant glass frog is found in Peru.
Source: Arkive Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Fernando's Giant Glass Frog - Centrolene fernandoi 
Fernando's giant glass frog is arboreal.
Source: AmphibiaWeb Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Centrolene geckoideum 
Centrolene geckoideum is found in Colombia and Ecuador.
Source: Arkive Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Centrolene geckoideum 
Centrolene geckoideum is found in the cloud forest on vegetation next to running water or on rocks in streams and behind waterfalls.
Source: AmphibiaWeb Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Centrolene guanacarum 
Centrolene geckoideum is found in Colombia.
Source: AmphibiaWeb Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Pichincha Giant Glass Frog - Centrolene heloderma 
The Pichincha giant glass frog is found in Colombia and Ecuador.
Source: Arkive Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Pichincha Giant Glass Frog - Centrolene heloderma 
The Pichincha giant glass frog is found in the cloud forest at elevations of 6,200-7,800 feet.
Source: AmphibiaWeb Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Pichincha Giant Glass Frog - Centrolene heloderma 
The Pichincha giant glass frog is also known as the warty glass frog.
Source: Tropical Herping Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Centrolene huilense 
Centrolene huilense is found in Colombia.
Source: AmphibiaWeb Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Lynch's Giant Glass Frog - Centrolene lynchi 
Lynch's giant glass frog is found in Colombia and Ecuador.
Source: Arkive Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Lynch's Giant Glass Frog - Centrolene lynchi 
Lynch's giant glass frog is found next to streams in the cloud forest.
Source: AmphibiaWeb Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Lynch's Giant Glass Frog - Centrolene lynchi 
Lynch's giant glass frog is threatened by habitat loss and fragmentation.
Source: Tropical Herping Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Centrolene mariaelenae 
Centrolene mariaelenae is found in Ecuador.
Source: Arkive Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Centrolene mariaelenae 
Centrolene mariaelenae is found in the forest canopy.
Source: AmphibiaWeb Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Centrolene medemi 
Centrolene medemi is found in Colombia and Ecuador.
Source: AmphibiaWeb Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Centrolene paezorum 
Centrolene medemi is found in Colombia.
Source: AmphibiaWeb Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Dappled Glassfrog - Centrolene peristictum 
The dappled glassfrog is found in Colombia and Ecuador.
Source: Arkive Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Dappled Glassfrog - Centrolene peristictum 
The dappled glassfrog is found on the Pacific slopes of the Andes at elevations of 4,500-7,400 feet.
Source: Tropical Herping Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Amazon Giant Glass Frog - Centrolene pipilatum 
The Amazon giant glass frog is found on slopes of the Andes in Ecuador.
Source: Arkive Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Amazon Giant Glass Frog - Centrolene pipilatum 
The Amazon giant glass frog is is found near streams in the cloud forest.
Source: AmphibiaWeb Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Centrolene quindianum 
Centrolene quindianum is found in Colombia.
Source: Arkive Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Centrolene quindianum 
Centrolene quindianum is greenish-yellow with black spots.
Source: AmphibiaWeb Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Centrolene robledoi 
Centrolene robledoi is found in Colombia.
Source: AmphibiaWeb Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Mindo Glass Frog - Cochranella balionota 
The Mindo glass frog is found in Colombia and Ecuador.
Source: Arkive Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Mindo Glass Frog - Cochranella balionota 
The Mindo glass frog is arboreal and lives on vegetation next to streams.
Source: AmphibiaWeb Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Mindo Glass Frog - Cochranella balionota 
In some populations of Mindo glass frogs, the male may have a blade like crest on its arm that it uses in territorial fights.
Source: Tropical Herping Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Cochranella croceopodes 
Cochranella croceopodes is found in Peru.
Source: AmphibiaWeb Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Fringe-Limbed Tree Frog - Cochranella euknemos 
The fringe-limbed tree frog is found in Colombia, Costa Rica, and Panama.
Source: AmphibiaWeb Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Ranita De Cristal - Cochranella granulosa 
Ranita De Cristal is found in Costa Rica, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama.
Source: AmphibiaWeb Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Mache Glass Frog - Cochranella mache 
The Mache glass frog is found in Ecuador.
Source: Arkive Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Mache Glass Frog - Cochranella mache 
The Mache glass frog is nocturnal.
Source: AmphibiaWeb Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Cochranella nola 
Cochranella nola is found in Bolivia.
Source: Arkive Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Cochranella nola 
Cochranella nola is a little under an inch in length.
Source: AmphibiaWeb Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Cochranella posadae 
Cochranella posadae is found in Colombia and Ecuador.
Source: Arkive Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Savage's Cochran Frog - Cochranella savagei 
Savage's Cochran Frog is found in Colombia.
Source: AmphibiaWeb Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Cochranella saxiscandens 
Cochranella saxiscandens has only been identified in one location in northern Peru.
Source: Arkive Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Ranita De Cristal De Paria - Cochranella vozmedianoi 
Ranita De Cristal De Paria is found in Venezuela.
Source: AmphibiaWeb Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Andes Giant Glass Frog - Espadarana andina 
The Andes giant glass frog is found in Colombia and Venezuela.
Source: AmphibiaWeb Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Espadarana callistommum 
Espadarana callistommum is found in Ecuador.
Source: AmphibiaWeb Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Emerald Glassfrog - Espadarana prosoblepon 
The emerald glass frog is found in Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Honduras; Nicaragua, and Panama.
Source: AmphibiaWeb Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Hyalinobatrachium aureoguttatum 
Hyalinobatrachium aureoguttatum is found in Colombia , Ecuador, and Panama.
Source: Arkive Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Hyalinobatrachium aureoguttatum 
Hyalinobatrachium aureoguttatum is found on vegetation next to streams.
Source: AmphibiaWeb Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Hyalinobatrachium bergeri
Hyalinobatrachium bergeri is found in Bolivia and Peru.
Source: AmphibiaWeb Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Hyalinobatrachium chirripoi 
Hyalinobatrachium chirripoi is found in Colombia, Costa Rica, and Panama.
Source: AmphibiaWeb Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Hyalinobatrachium colymbiphyllum 
Hyalinobatrachium colymbiphyllum is found in Colombia, Costa Rica, and Panama.
Source: AmphibiaWeb Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Ranita De Cristal De Durant - Hyalinobatrachium duranti 
Ranita De Cristal De Durant is found in Venezuela.
Source: AmphibiaWeb Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Hyalinobatrachium esmeralda 
Hyalinobatrachium esmeralda is found in Colombia.
Source: AmphibiaWeb Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Fleischmann's Glass Frog - Hyalinobatrachium fleischmanni 
Fleischmann's glass frog is found in Belize, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, and Suriname.
Source: AmphibiaWeb Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Ranita De Cristal Fragil - Hyalinobatrachium fragile 
Ranita De Cristal Fragil is found in Venezuela.
Source: Arkive Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Ranita De Cristal De Jaspe - Hyalinobatrachium iaspidiense 
Ranita De Cristal De Jaspe is found in Venezuela.
Source: AmphibiaWeb Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Hyalinobatrachium lemur 
Hyalinobatrachium lemur is found in Peru.
Source: AmphibiaWeb Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Eastern Glass Frog - Hyalinobatrachium orientale 
The Eastern glass frog is found in Trinidad and Tobago and Venezuela.
Source: AmphibiaWeb Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Ranita De Cristal Palida - Hyalinobatrachium pallidum 
Ranita De Cristal Palida is found in Venezuela.
Source: AmphibiaWeb Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Hyalinobatrachium pellucidum 
Hyalinobatrachium pellucidum is found in Ecuador.
Source: Arkive Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Hyalinobatrachium pellucidum 
Hyalinobatrachium pellucidum was last recorded in the wild in 1979.
Source: AmphibiaWeb Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Green-striped Glass Frog - Hyalinobatrachium talamancae 
The green-striped glass frog is found in Costa Rica and Panama.
Source: AmphibiAweb Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Hyalinobatrachium tatayoi 
Hyalinobatrachium tatayoi is found in Venezuela.
Source: AmphibiAweb Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Ranita De Cristal De Taylor - Hyalinobatrachium taylori 
Ranita De Cristal De Taylor is found in French Guiana, Guyana, Suriname, and Venezuela.
Source: AmphibiAweb Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Reticulated Glass Frog - Hyalinobatrachium valerioi 
The reticulated glass frog is found in French Guiana, Guyana, Suriname, and Venezuela.
Source: AmphibiAweb Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Starrett's Glass Frog - Hyalinobatrachium vireovittatum 
The Starrett's glass frog is found in Costa Rica.
Source: AmphibiAweb Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Magdalena Giant Glass Frog - Ikakogi tayrona 
The giant glass frog is found in Colombia .
Source: Arkive Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Napo Cochran Frog - Nymphargus anomalus 
The Napo Cochran Frog is found in Ecuador.
Source: AmphibiAweb Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Nymphargus bejaranoi 
Nymphargus bejaranoi is found in Bolivia.
Source: AmphibiAweb Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Nymphargus cochranae 
Nymphargus cochranae is found in Ecuador.
Source: Arkive Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Red-Dotted Glass Frog - Nymphargus grandisonae 
The red-dotted glass frog is found in Colombia and Ecuador.
Source: Arkive Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Red-Dotted Glass Frog - Nymphargus grandisonae 
The red-dotted glass frog is bright green with tiny red spots.
Source: Tropical Herping Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Griffiths' Glass Frog - Nymphargus griffithsi 
Griffiths' glass frog is found in Colombia and Ecuador.
Source: Arkive Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Griffiths' Glass Frog - Nymphargus griffithsi 
During the day, the Griffiths' glass frog hides in the axils of elephant-ear plants.
Source: Tropical Herping Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Las Gralarias Glass Frog - Nymphargus lasgralarias 
Las Gralarias glass frog is only found in Reserva Las Gralarias in Ecuador.
Source: Tropical Herping Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Santa Rosa Cochran Frog - Nymphargus megacheirus 
The Santa Rosa cochran frog is found in Colombia and Ecuador.
Source: AmphibiaWeb Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Nymphargus mixomaculatus 
Nymphargus mixomaculatus is found in Peru.
Source: AmphibiaWeb Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Nymphargus phenax 
Nymphargus phenax is found in Peru.
Source: AmphibiaWeb Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Nymphargus pluvialis 
Nymphargus pluvialis is found in Bolivia and Peru.
Source: AmphibiaWeb Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Nymphargus posadae 
Nymphargus posadae is found in Colombia and Ecuador.
Source: AmphibiaWeb Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Nymphargus prasinus 
Nymphargus prasinus is found in Colombia.
Source: AmphibiaWeb Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Puyo Giant Glass Frog - Nymphargus puyoensis 
The Puyo giant glass frog is found in Ecuador.
Source: Arkive Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Nymphargus rosadus 
Nymphargus rosadus is found in Colombia.
Source: AmphibiaWeb Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Nymphargus siren 
Nymphargus siren is found in Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru.
Source: Arkive Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Nymphargus siren 
Nymphargus siren is found near streams.
Source: AmphibiaWeb Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Nymphargus truebae 
Nymphargus truebae is found in Peru.
Source: AmphibiaWeb Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Nymphargus wileyi 
Nymphargus wileyi is found in Ecuador.
Source: AmphibiaWeb Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Western Cochran Frog - Rulyrana adiazeta 
The western cochran frog is found in Colombia .
Source: Arkive Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Western Cochran Frog - Rulyrana adiazeta 
The western cochran frog is found at elevations of 3,700-6,700 feet.
Source: AmphibiaWeb Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Rulyrana erminea 
Rulyrana erminea is found in Peru.
Source: AmphibiaWeb Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Rulyrana flavopunctata 
Rulyrana flavopunctata is found in Colombia and Ecuador.
Source: AmphibiaWeb Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Rulyrana mcdiarmidi 
Rulyrana mcdiarmidi is found in Peru and Ecuador.
Source: AmphibiaWeb Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Rulyrana saxiscandens 
Rulyrana mcdiarmidi is found in Peru.
Source: AmphibiaWeb Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Rulyrana spiculata 
Rulyrana spiculata is found in Peru.
Source: AmphibiaWeb Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Rulyrana susatamai 
Rulyrana susatamai is found in Colombia .
Source: Arkive Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Rulyrana susatamai 
Rulyrana susatamai is found on vegetation and rocks on the border of breaks in the forest.
Source: AmphibiaWeb Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Rulyrana tangarana 
Rulyrana tangarana is found in Peru.
Source: AmphibiaWeb Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Yellow-Flecked Glass Frog - Sachatamia albomaculata 
The yellow-flecked glass frog is found in Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama.
Source: Arkive Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Yellow-Flecked Glass Frog - Sachatamia albomaculata 
The yellow-flecked glass frog is bluish-green and covered with with light yellow to silver spots.
Source: AmphibiaWeb Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Ghost Glass Frog - Sachatamia ilex 
The ghost glass frog is found in Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Nicaragua, and Panama.
Source:AmphibiaWeb Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Sachatamia punctulata 
Sachatamia punctulata is found in Colombia .
Source: Arkive Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Sachatamia punctulata 
Sachatamia punctulata is green with orange spots.
Source:AmphibiaWeb Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Teratohyla midas 
Teratohyla midas is found in Brazil, Ecuador, and Peru.
Source: AmphibiaWeb Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Powdered Glass Frog - Teratohyla pulverata 
Teratohyla pulverata is found in Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama.
Source: AmphibiaWeb Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Teratohyla spinosa 
Teratohyla spinosa is found in Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama.
Source: AmphibiaWeb Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Aragua Glass Frog - Vitreorana antisthenesi 
The Aragua glass frog is found in Venezuela. It is also known as the Rancho Grande Glass Frog.
Source: Arkive Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School
Aragua Glass Frog - Vitreorana antisthenesi 
The Aragua glass frog is found at elevations of 700-3,900 feet.
Source: AmphibiaWeb Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Vitreorana castroviejoi 
Vitreorana castroviejoi is found in Venezuela.
Source: AmphibiaWeb Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Rio Glass Frog - Vitreorana eurygnathum 
The Rio glass frog is found in Brazil.
Source: AmphibiaWeb Intended Audience: General Reading Level: High School
Humboldt's Glass Frog - Vitreorana uranoscopum 
Humboldt's glass frog is found in Argentina and Brazil.
Source: AmphibiAweb Intended Audience: General Reading Level: Middle School |